Soon . . .

Comic Art Competition
Design a comic strip on an a sheet of paper with a creative writing story about an Eco-Friendly super hero.
How to Enter
Entries to be submitted to Caerphilly Comic Con by the 3rd June 2020 at the latest.
Use a blank A4 sheet of paper and Split it into 6 (max) comic style bubbles/boxes
Write and draw a comic short story based around an Eco-Friendly superhero, with the theme ‘Being Green’;
Place name of the pupil, year and school name in the top corner on the reverse of the A4 sheet;
The comic strip can be completed in school or at home, but must be the pupils own work;
Teachers at the school will select the best 2x Reception/KS1 entries and the best 2x KS2 entries (4 entries in total) to be entered into the final judging competitions at Caerphilly Comic Con on the 6th June 2020;

Fantasy Dress Up Competition and Event
Design an Eco-Friendly Superhero costume which can be worn at Caerphilly Comic Con on the 6th June 2020 as part of the superhero weekend.
How to Enter
Costume must be entirely made of recyclable materials;
The costume must be original and unique and must be based on the theme of ‘Being Green’;
Shop bought costumes will be disqualified
Any pupil wishing to win prizes in the competition must attend the event on the 6th June 2020 at St Cenydd Leisure Centre.